Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mister Rogers Thinks You Should Try Harder and the Best Things You'll Read All Week

Mister Rogers, shaming, creepy smile, childhood icon
Reads of the Week

1) When I Believe in the Gospel, Not Your Story by Preston Yancey
"We weaponise STORY as a concept sometimes as a means of hiding behind the fact that we don’t want to face the consequence of being wrong, or being prideful, or dare we actually say it–sinful, out of line, not conforming to the pattern of God’s logic and design that is woven through the complex strands of Scripture."

2) Christians and Humor: Thoughts on Making It Work by Rachel Held Evans
"Satire, or any sort of humor for that matter, is tough to do right.  But it’s too important not to do it at all, and I think Christians in particular can do a better job of using humor as a prophetic, yet disarming, method for sharing with vulnerability, challenging the powerful, and tearing down idols."

3) Dear Dzokhar, I Can't Hate You by Michael Rogers
"Dear Dzhokhar, for all of this, I can't hate you... Today I thought about the fact that you are only 19 ... you are just a kid. You must have been so afraid. You were a victim like so many are victims. You were brought into something you shouldn't have been brought into because you likely didn't and couldn't know any better."

4) I Don't Understand Why You're Single by Leigh Kramer
"When someone seemingly out of the blue tells me, “I don't understand why you're still single,” I wonder why it matters to them. I wonder if they're feeling disconnected due to our marital status difference or if there's a bit of the “grass is greener” effect going on. If I'm not bringing up my dating life, why are they?"

5) Radical Theology: The New "White" Religion? by Christian Piatt
"And the blade cuts both ways; ask one hundred Latino pastors how much they care about Zizek or Derrida when they’re preparing for Sunday worship, or meeting with a family in crisis. I’m guessing you’ll be met with more than a few shrugs or blank stares."

Honorable Mention

Stretching...College, the Mosque and Boston by Melissa Greene

We Are Not That #BostonStrong by Jonathan Fitzgerald

The Church: Are We Accidentally Racist? by Matthew Paul Turner

Line of the Week

"My legs are so white they just bought a pre-owned Subaru." - John Thornton Jr. (@johnthorntonjr)

On Pop Theology Week in Review

Superman: Our Post-Post 9/11 Hero
Steven Lefebvre thinks Superman is the hero for a post-Post 9/11 world.

Roger Clemens and Christian Cliches
On Roger Clemens, coming into a story sideways, and the importance of humility.

How to Write A Controversial Blog Post in 5 Easy Steps
Five easy steps to constructing your very own sub-cultural controversy.

Song of the Week

"Next June" by Magnolia Sons


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