Since this blog is where
I go to confess things, I must confess that I have an unhealthy addiction to
reality TV shows. Only the manly ones of course, like Pawn Stars, Swamp People,
Top Chef, Sister Wives, and What Not to Wear. Okay, I’m kidding about What Not
to Wear. No seriously, I am. I do watch way too much HGTV though.
However, while I like
some reality TV shows, I really hate their preview commercials. They are always
overly dramatic and way out of context.
If all you watched were
commercials for Sister Wives, you’d think that Christine hated everyone when in
reality she just doesn’t like Robin. On Top Chef you would think that every
single person was going home every week and that the judges hated everyone. Pawn
Stars makes you think that every find could be worth a million dollars and HGTV
makes you think that every person hates whatever room/house/backyard they’re
being shown. If you only saw the previews for Swamp People you would think Troy
Landry was an incoherent maniac who shoots alligators. Umm…that last one may be
TV producers know that
drama sells. They specifically create and edit those commercials to entice
viewers to watch. This kind of sensationalized drama makes people want to watch
the show, which to be fair, is the only reason the show exists. Even when you
know that the 50 cent cracker jack toy someone brought into the pawn shop is
really only going to cost 50 cents, if you can catch Rick or the Old Man saying
it MIGHT be worth more, that gets viewers. We want to see something

We try to create these
happy, carefree facades to entice people to become Christians (*cough* Joel
Osteen *cough, cough*). In reality, Christians have problems and we worry, and
we can be single even when we don’t want to be. We’re people.
What sets us apart isn’t that we have all the answers or that we
have carefree lives. We do not need to edit our lives like a reality show commercial
to entice people. That’s what the hope found in Christ does. We just need to be
better about owning our faults and admitting that what gets us through life is
the hope we find in Christ. That’s enticing enough.
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Twitter @KindaScottish.
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Also, you can subscribe to On Pop Theology via RSS feed or email on the top right corner of the main page.
Great article. Joel Osteen really gets me riled up, mostly beause he seems to treat Jesus as an afterthought to his feel-good prosperity religion.