Monday, September 16, 2013

On Pop Theology Podcast: Episode 40 - On Interpretation and Preaching w/ David Henson

by Ben Howard

This week on the show Ben talks with David Henson about fresh and subversive readings of Scripture. They’ll explore how to read Scripture with a fresh eye, the nature of provocative preaching and what to do with difficult passages in the Bible. We’ll also talk about how David’s kids are obsessed with OK Go videos and his experience being a theology fan boy.

Be sure to follow David on Twitter and check out his blog Edges of Faith.

If you like the show, please rate and review us on iTunes. It's the first step in our secret mission to take over the world.

You can download the podcast by clicking here. Or you can subscribe to the podcast by searching "On Pop Theology" in the iTunes music store.

Also, remember to "Like" On Pop Theology on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @OnPopTheology for all the updates, posts, and links throughout the week.

Finally, if you'd like to stream the podcast, you can do that here: 


If you have any questions, comments, or if you just want to say hi, you can contact us at onpoptheology [at]

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