Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Great Reason to Save the World and the Best Things You'll Read All Week

save, earth, planet, chocolate, sign
by Ben Howard

Reads of the Week

1) The Scourge of Moral Liberalism by David Sessions

"Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a devastating mentality for the left to embrace. I left behind the religious conservatism I grew up with partly because I saw, over the first 20 years or so of my life, the self-defeating absurdity of movement orthodoxies and the obsession with moral shibboleths. There is some basic part of humanity that resists imposed conformity, especially when it claims the authority to judge even one’s individual inner experience."

2) False Future of Ideologies by Nate Pyle

"Ideaologies promise something they cannot deliver on: a perfected future. Pick your '-ism' and you will find a promised future free of the evil causing the need for the ideology. Feminism promises a future free of inequality between women and men. Socialism promises a future free of inequality between the rich and the poor. Nationalism promises a a future where ones nation embodies the best the world has to offer while surrounded by evil nations."

3) How I Became a Jesus Feminist by Micah J. Murray

"There are a few phrases of Scripture that ring in my ears when we talk about feminism – words about doing justly, about loving mercy. Words about letting justice and righteousness roll down like rivers. And most of all, those words about how every valley will be exalted and every mountain and hill made low."

4) Thinking Outside the Middle Class Box by Christena Cleveland

"More often than not, the low-income people who attend predominantly middle-class churches are marginalized as 'recipients' rather than invited in as 'irreplaceable participants.' They’re directed to apply for benevolence fund money, but they’re rarely seen as individuals (with insight, perspective and skills) that can contribute to the central life of the church. As a result, they aren’t seen as 'influencers' and are often overlooked for leadership positions in the church."

5) Living More With Less by D.L. Mayfield

"I just want to share this with you as a way of extending the conversation here. Lord knows it’s a truth I need to sit with awhile. I love having a few lifestyle choices in the bag that ensure I am following Jesus–like only shopping at thrift stores. It’s a neat thing to say that makes me different from people, possibly even holier. But in reality, in the trenches here, I am finding I don’t have the time, energy, or gas to go thrift shopping."

Honorable Mention

My Eyes Are Up Here by Emily Maynard

On Humility and Privilege by Richard Beck

Lessons From a New Orleans Playground by Sarah Richardson

Song of the Week

"Hard Fall" by The Wallings Jr.


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