Saturday, November 2, 2013

An Otter in a Hat and the Best Things You'll Read All Week

otter, tie, suit, hate, argument, invalid
by Ben Howard

Reads of the Week

1) I'm a Downward Mobility Dropout by Stina KC

"At first, my moral outrage fueled conversations about petitions and tenant rights and lawsuits. We could stay and fight. But then I started leaving the apartment for most of the day, camping out at my parents’ house so my daughter wouldn’t be tempted to play at the windows. Soon, we were apartment searching and then signing a lease and suddenly it wasn’t my problem anymore."

2) God is Dead: Or When Professors Become the Bogeyman by Krista Dalton

"As a phd student, as a young scholar, as a person driven by questions from the moment I first opened my eyes as a child, this fear of me, this projection of me as the bogeyman, baffles and pains me. I am not trying to destroy your faith by making you think about history, context, and theory. I am not an enemy because I desire intellectual exercises in addition to my spiritual practice."

3) My Scary Airplane Story by Rachel Held Evans

"We chatted for a while and I found myself relaxing. When we hit another patch of heavy turbulence I focused on taking deep breaths. Mr. Businessman rested his elbows on his knees and concentrated on the floor.  I can say with some confidence that everyone on the plane was either scared or medicated."

4) For When I've Been An Earthquake by Jen Hatmaker

"Finally, the dark night forms us in ways that set us free to love boldly and compassionately.  On the night Jesus’ friend betrayed him, he took bread, blessed it, broke it, and then gave it.  And in the same way, Jesus takes us, blesses us, breaks us, and gives us to a hurting world to be God’s very presence. 'The dark night is a key part of God’s missional purpose in the world,' Daniel Shrock writes, and I’ve seen it too many times to deny it."

5) Dark Night - An Antidote to Self-Improvement Christianity by Chuck DeGroat

"But Big Feelings can also wound and offend, even unintentionally. Or totally intentionally. As one who tends to buck the system, who often has a problem with The Man (whoever he is), sometimes my prophetic bent unfairly injures. Truthfully, my heart always stands with the Little Guy, the Underdog, the Marginalized, the Misfit, and because I lean toward inclusion and reform and struggle with power paradigms and hierarchies, I sometimes sweep good people into the fray and issue an indictment where one is not deserved."

Honorable Mention

Shame and the Schisms of the Church by Richard Beck

Too Busy to Be a Reconciler by Christena Cleveland

To Myself On a Regular Day by Lyndsey Graves

Tweets of the Week

"I don't observe Halloween because of its pagan origins. For reasons of consistency, I don't observe Wednesdays or Saturdays either." - Jason Boyett (@jasonboyett)

"We accept the Oreos we think we deserve." - Matt Johns (@MattJohns1983)

"My kid just named the pirate ship on her adventure map 'The Black Ship of Total Rejection.' I can't make this stuff up." - Andrea Levendusky (@theorganicbird)

On Pop Theology Week in Review

The Spirituality of Horror by Charity Erickson

"In my opinion, the horror genre is a perfect genre for Christians to be involved with."

The Martyr Ghost Stories, Volume 1: The Tale of Saint Lucy by Sebastian Faust

"In the ancient city of Syracuse beside the Ionian Sea, there lived a wealthy woman and her daughter Lucy, in a great mansion."

The Martyr Ghost Stories, Volume 2: The Zombie Saint by Sebastian Faust

"In the cruel city of Rome, founded on its seven hills, in the reign of Diocletian, Saint Sebastian died."

I Didn't Grow Up With Saints by Ben Howard

"I didn't grow up with saints. Actually, that's only half-true. I grew up in a world full of saints, but they were relegated to hospitals, football teams, and large cities in Missouri."

Song of the Week

"Keeper" by Shovels & Rope


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